We are experts in integrating "last mile" technologies | We integrate and harmonize IT systems and OT technologies | We orchestrate existing resources and information systems in use | We offer scalable IT solutions | We propose ourselves as unique partner for the management and integration of the different OT technologies | We are an independent company, we have no technical or commercial constraints with other brands |

A new partner enters into the shareholding of MADE – Competence Center I 4.0, the facilty that has the mission to accompany Italian companies in the path of digital revolution, bringing solutions enabling a “smart” factory, connected and sustainable.
Since September 2022, Fasthink enters into the Competence Center partnership.
“MADE Competence Center is a partnership of companies, universities and public bodies, which collaborate with a single objective: to transfer skills and knowledge to the Italian manufacturing industries, especially to the fabric of the PMI. Since September we welcome our partners to FasThink, a company that in recent years has been able to establish itself on the market thanks to the quality of its products and services.” Comments Prof. Taisch, President of MADE – Competence Center “FasThink solutions are already present in the competence center, in the demonstrators of Lean Manufacturing and Logistics 4.0, but above all, the company has collaborated to interconnect different industrial systems to each other, creating an intelligent factory system. Now, with FasThink’s direct participation in the Compentence Center, these technologies can be further enhanced in collaboration with other partners contributing to the demonstrator. This will increase the Centre’s expertise in the implementation of technology transfer projects”.

FasThink has been designing, manufacturing components and systems dedicated to automatic identification, traceability and automation for over ten years, helping companies in the digital transformation of processes. It operates in the automotive, food and pharmaceutical, manufacturing, logistics and services markets.

“For FasThink to participate in the MADE Competence Center is a great opportunity, because it allows us to demonstrate to companies what is possible to do at the level of integration of Industry 4.0” said Marco Marella, General Manager FasThink. “Not only words or presentations, but measurable results, projects through which we can demonstrate how a process can be improved thanks to Industry 4.0 technologies and integration with existing management systems.
Today, companies have a great opportunity to leverage digital transformation to improve their processes. Companies like FasThink offer their know-how to Italian companies, giving them the opportunity to improve their processes, introducing automation and technology integration. We believe that, within the Competence Center system, this process can accelerate”.

From left side, Augusto De Castro Generale Director MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0, Marco Marella, General Manager FasThink.
Marco Taisch President of MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0

About MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0

MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0 is an ecosystem that proposes a digital factory model in support of manufacturing companies that want to undertake innovation projects in view of Industry 4.0. MADE makes available to companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, a wide range of knowledge, methodologies and tools with a focus on digital technologies, ranging from design to engineering, from production control, until the end of the product life cycle management.
Companies that turn to MADE have the opportunity to confront directly with innovation and to understand, also “seeing first hand”, how the solutions currently available on the market can be used to improve their competitiveness.


Media contacts:

Federico Ravasio

Responsabile Comunicazione, Marketing e Relazioni Esterne

[email protected]

+39 353 4045725

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